Summer Tour 2015

Summer Tour 2015


Summer tour 2015 Summer is such a big deal for NO&YO! One of the reasons is that we get to play outside even more than usually and stay much longer with the prolonged summer daylight. The second reason is that this year we decided to bring NO&YO to areas away from our HQ in Southern California. So we combined the two summer perks and we’re announcing the NO&YO Summer Tour 2015 dates where we take our trusted Adventuremobile (aka Jeep) and the brand new Red (aka trailer) and travel most of the country in search of new fans of our incredible clothing line and have little fun while getting there. We’ll be exploring some of the lakes, beaches, woods and peaks of all the states that we’ll be crossing and having summer fun while on the road. We realized that there are few of you that would love to meet us in your hometown and so below are the cities we’ll be part of for few days this summer: May 21, 2015 – Patchwork Show in Santa Ana, CA   May 6-7, 2015 – Union Street Festival in San Francisco, CA   May 13-14, 2015 – North Beach festival in Sana Francisco, CA   May 19, 20 – 21, 2015 – Fremont Music Festival in Seattle, WA   July 11-12, 2015 – Renegade in Los Angeles, CA   July 17, 2015 - Renegade in San Francisco, CA – Wholesale Market   July 18-19, 2015 – Renegade in San Francisco, CA   July 25-26, 2015 – Renegade in Portland, OR   August 1-2, 2015 – Renegade in Seattle, WA   Tentative: September 11, 2015 – Renegade in NYC, NY – Wholesale Market   September 12-13, 2015 – Renegade in NYC, NY   September 19-20, 2015 – Renegade in Chicago, IL   We hope to see you at one of the shows and we’ll keep you posted as we expand on any new ones. Is there an artisan market show in your area that you’d like us to travel to on our Summer Tour 2015? Drop us a line! Summer tour 2015 BECOME PART OF THE NO&YO TRIBE: Stay in touchStay in touchStay in touchStay in touchStay in touchStay in touch

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