Outdoor Adventure Bucket List
A Bucket List is defined by the Urban Dictionary as: “A list of things to do before you die. Comes from the term "kicked the bucket." For us, however, we’re not waiting until we kick the bucket to get to it. We have our own type of Bucket List - The Outdoor Adventure Bucket List - that we will share with you continuously in these blog series.
Bucket lists are interesting since they tell you much about the person. You can set up one or many on-line, create your visual Bucket list on Pinterest or simply write it down on a piece of paper, but no matter which way you compile your list the important thing is actually to check things off the Bucket list, meaning completing your goals and checking them off of course…
The first item on our Outdoor Adventure Bucket List includes walking the Pacific Crest Trail. We’re planning on through-hiking the whole length of 2,663 miles from Mexico to Canada which could take anywhere from 4-6 months to complete.
While we plan the hike, we take joy in reading from those who have already taken that leap and hiked the Pacific Crest Trail. It’s fun and motivating to see the experiences, mishaps, photos, advice and achievement of those who completed the route.
Our 5 favorite sites to read for the Pacific Crest Trail experience are:
1. The official Pacific Crest Association Trail - http://www.pcta.org/
2. A girl from Maine hiking on a whim and getting ready to hike the Continental Divide Trail - http://www.mylahikes.com/about/
3. A couple who conquered the Triple Crown of Hiking (hiking PCT, Appalachian Trail, and Continental Divide trail) and many more trails http://www.gottawalk.com/gottawalk/pacific-crest-trail/
4. Young adventure junkie with a sense of humor - http://www.halfwayanywhere.com/pacific-crest-trail/hiking-solo-vs-hiking-non-solo/
5. And lastly a PCT experience blog http://beckyandlukehikethepct.wordpress.com/

So, while we explore experiences of others which are helpful in our own planning, we challenge you to do the same and explore and find more information on those items in your bucket list.
Tell us what’s on your bucket list? And if you liked what you read, don't forget to sign up for our email updates, get 15% off your first on-line purchase and be entered into monthly drawing of NO&YO gear!

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