It’s major giveaway time!
We really enjoy meeting our customers face to face and that’s why we love trade shows and craft markets. We started exhibiting this summer and we can’t get enough! Almost every weekend we are at a different event, show or a market -meeting with you. We enjoy talking about NO&YO, our tees, as well as the progression that separates us from other clothing companies.
One thing that came as an unexpected bonus, however, is the amount of great, supportive and talented artist-vendors that we meet at these shows. It’s amazing to see what interesting, useful, beautiful and crafty products they can come up with. We’re always in awe of the artistry, attention to detail and the old fashion approach to craftsmanship and art. We’ve made so many great friends already and started a great collection of new art in the process.
One of our newest friends, The Bearded Bowtie and his lovely wife of the Two Leaf Clover blog, partnered up with their favorite vendors, including NO&YO, for a really amazing GIVEAWAY. 5 vendors are giving away their products for your chance to win all five of these great goodies.
And the rules are as easy as 1 & 2:
1. Follow each vendor, as well as the blog, on Instagram! @twoleafclover @noandyo @beardedbowtie @kismetcollectionbyam @studiosouthseas @littleurbangem
2. Leave a comment at www.two-leaf-clover.com blog telling us about something you’re excited about from these vendors – whether that’s their branding, their product, their mission statement – whatever you’d like; it can be about all five vendors or one in particular!
Check out all of the amazing vendors and their stories here and get to know them and their craft.
You can enter the giveaway anytime between now and Thursday evening. A winner will be chosen Thursday night and announced on the Two Leaf Clover blog or Instagram Friday morning! I hope you enjoy these vendors as much as we do.
Good luck!

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