Karma & Big Sur

Karma & Big Sur


Good Karma just paid us big time, and showed us first hand that it pays to do good. Always! Last week we decided to recharge our batteries, refresh our minds and just turn-off for a few days. What a better way than by re-connecting with nature and camping in Big Sur. When we first arrived to Big Sur all the campgrounds were full (lesson learnt – don’t trust the online reservation site – no such thing as first come first serve). To our thorough disappointment, all campgrounds in the area were also prohibited from burning wood since NorCal suffered from an extremely dry season this year. Of course, all our food required a nice burning fire in order to be consumed. Think chicken wings, hot Italian sausages, tamales, and our favorite specialty sliced potato chips with salt. You get the picture! Nevertheless, we were so happy to get out on the road and into the woods again that nothing could hamper our mood. We wouldn’t allow the circumstances that were outside of our control to change our outlook on these 4 days of nature “squatting”. Suddenly and right on time, yes you guessed it, our friend good Karma helped out. We drove into the Limekiln State Park Campground, at this point just to ask for suggestions on where the nearest campgrounds were located, since Limekiln also showed as being FULL. With the biggest smile and that look as if she was expecting us, Dianne, the sweetest campground keeper you will ever meet asked us to come back in a little while as she would see if or what she could do for us. So we did-on the dot - we came back and she had a prime ocean spot for us for the night - with fire! Yes, you read it – “FIRE”! Dianne didn’t have to go above and beyond for us but she did and that was Good Karma paying back for all the times we made the conscious choice to smile at someone, provide a kind word or advice and not let our busy lives distract us from forgetting that kindness can go a long way. And so Karma took us from the original camp spot to the only place that allowed fire and turned out to be one of the most memorable camping trips we took. The only raindrop on our parade was that this awesome unbelievable spot was only guaranteed for one night and we planned on staying 3 nights. We did what we usually do in situations like this - we made sure that we enjoyed what came our way – and enjoyed it in the moment, and not ruining it by worrying about tomorrow. But Karma kept on giving…the girls that stayed next to us the first night gave us 2 bags of firewood before their departure. We gave that same wood and some of our food to two starving guys that took their place for night 2 and 3. The guys gave us their eggs, which we in return gave to Dianne for breakfast, (with some Snickers bars which she loves -just a suggestion for your next trip to Limekiln camp). And so at the end we were able to stay in the same ocean spot for 3 nights at a totally reserved campground that was full. IMG_1801 2And that’s how Karma works…you bring positive energy and outlook on life, give when you can or even when it’s inconvenient and then receive thousand-fold where it matters the most.The whole park just exhumed relaxation and the direct beach access was beyond our belief.  After few hours we started to relax and the stress literally peeled off minute-by-minute…we started to notice the little things- swallows and their nest, bluebirds, insects and the trees - beautiful majestic sequoias.We were enamored by how little we really need - and how happy nature makes us feel. So, NO&YO fans, friends and family, smile - because good Karma gives back to those who do good. Most importantly, take at least one day and get connected to the nature in some way.  Sometimes all it takes is a smile. rsz_Karma blog 4Long after people forget WHAT you said or did, they will remember how you made them FEEL. - Tim Sanders

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