Last Stop - Tahiti

Last Stop - Tahiti


Last stop Tahiti NO&YO Elise and Mat are NO&YO’s latest addition to the Ambassadorship Program we started to showcase the unbelievable wide range of unique, incredible and clever individuals that live for the outdoors in some shape or form. Elise and Mat live in Tahiti but moved there from France; Elise from the mountains of the French Alps and Mat from the seaside resort of Sète. They both fell in love with adventure, waves and each other and decided that French Polynesia will become their home. Their first, and not so distant, steps into their new life in Tahiti are described in the essay written by them. Read the post in French. [caption id="attachment_10336" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Last stop Tahiti NO&YO Moorea from air[/caption]

Last Stop - Tahiti.

Our eyes fixed on the passing landscape, sitting on this train for hours, stiff legs by the journey, we were still dreaming about our amazing trip in Indonesia and the perfect waves we had. A strong voice with the typical accent of South of France woke us up announcing: Sète ici Sète, Terminus, tout le monde descend! Last stop, Everyone off! It's the big rush: « Darling! Bring back the board bags, meanwhile I grab the backpacks ». In the middle of tourists and the vacationers, it's a mess, people hustle, shout, grumble, we apologize and finally we are on the dock, happy to be there. Here we go for one month and a half in Sète, Mat’s childhood village. He is heartened to be here, to find again this atmosphere, the smells of the local market, the fresh fish on the docks, the typical regional meals, the fiestas with friends, and also Family. [caption id="attachment_10338" align="aligncenter" width="940"]Last stop Tahiti NO&YO Sete, Mat's childhood town and its famous docks[/caption] But we weren't here just for holidays. We had to settle few administrative things and prepare for our project: MOVING AND LIVE IN TAHITI! A one way ticket bought, two board bags bombed out, our whole life in the backpacks («Well almost, especilly Elise, I had to let go a big part of my clothes:)) It's on!! We take off September 5th 2013. After 35 hours travelling between planes and airports, we finally land in PAPEETE: Mythical! The legendary Polynesian welcome, like in a dream: Tahitian dances by beautiful vahines, Ukuleles, flower leis... Tahiti is up to its reputation! [caption id="attachment_10339" align="aligncenter" width="940"]Last stop Tahiti NO&YO Traditional Welcome[/caption] Manutea and Hereiti, our contacts and the owners of the Kite and Sup School EXPAIR TAHITI warmly welcome us with beautiful and perfumed flowers leis. Exhausted by the journey, we had a good night's sleep in a typical and very cute Polynesian fare (small typical house). The next morning, we hear knock at the door: « Hey, Ia Orana Elise and Mat, there are sick waves in the south of the island, are you up to go surfing? » Without any hesitation, we grab our boards, still waxed from the last session, put our fins on and let's go, we get in the big pick-up, it's ON! [caption id="attachment_10334" align="aligncenter" width="940"]Last stop Tahiti NO&YO The first waves[/caption] After driving one hour thru the beautiful landscapes of Tahiti, we finally arrive on the spot, well, almost! We launch the boat in the water, let's go to the reef. Heading to the pass, one perfect right is breaking on a bright and colorful reef, water is glassy and crystal clear, this is Paradise! A bit jetlagged and totally burnt by the Tahitian sun, at the end of this amazing day, we knew that adventure just begun! Today, 2 years have passed, with amazing moments, meetings, some mishaps, sick surf sessions, and great projects. Last stop Tahiti NO&YO We spent almost one year in Tahiti, where we have worked for Manutea School, EXPAIR Tahiti, and then we had the opportunity to launch a new school, in Moorea, the beautiful little sister of Tahiti: Moorea, in July 2014. It's been 1 year now that we manage this school and we live our Polynesian Life. We have a kitchen garden, we eat local, a lot of coconuts and fishes, all embellished with superb surf sessions, alone face to Moorea mountains, in the beautiful sunset lights. We know our chance. We are grateful and thankful to live this experience, and we hope the adventure is never ending and to discover new horizons. Pacific is fascinating, and there are a lot of islands we want to explore more... Last stop Tahiti NO&YO To be continued, stay tuned for more adventures on our Last Stop - Tahiti :) Follow Elise @babeinthewaves and Mat @mat.le.bled BECOME PART OF THE NO&YO TRIBE: Stay in touchStay in touchStay in touchStay in touchStay in touchStay in touch

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